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The Bay City Main Street program envisions downtown Bay City as the pulse of the County: celebrating historic pride, economic vitality and the best of Texas Hospitality.Bay City has been a Nationally Recognized Main Street City since 2011. The primary goal of its Main Street program is revitalization of the Downtown Historic business district and, thus, the Main Street Directors and Advisory Board are involved in a variety of related activities, including advocacy of appropriate ordinances as well as sponsorship and support of special projects, community events, and promotion of the Downtown Historic District.
The historic component of the Main Street program is the responsibility of the Bay City Historic Commission. We have two Historic Districts, The Downtown Historic District and the South Side Historic District which we offer assistance on restoration and renovations to business and home owners.
Working together as Main Street and The Historic Commission with cooperation of the citizens and elected officials, we can establish and maintain a strong and vibrant Texas community that we can all be proud to call home.
The mission of Bay City Main Street is to promote historic pride and economic vitality within the Four Points Approach of Design (restoration assistance); Organization (added partners); Promotion (inventive ideas); and Economic Restructuring (shared financial information and aid). Success in these four areas will result in our vision for hospitality and economic vitality through County strength and pride.
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1264 - module_18640 BusinessCategoryModule moduleLarge
Logo & Branding
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