

1264 - module_20484 BusinessTitleModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_20485 TextMediaModule moduleLarge
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1264 - module_20471 BusinessMediaModule moduleLarge
As a pop-up nation, Boulevardia draws inspiration from the community in which we gather to celebrate. In 2014, we had our humble beginning in the West Bottoms in the shadow of the 12th Street Bridge. In 2017 our home moved to the Stockyards District. Starting in 2022, we're thrilled to call Grand Boulevard – one of the most iconic thoroughfares in Kansas City – our home. To us, it's all been one big GRAND adventure.
1264 - module_20476 BusinessDescriptionModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_20480 LinkModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_20473 BusinessLocationModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_20474 BusinessCategoryModule moduleLarge


1264 - module_20477 TagModule moduleLarge

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1264 - module_20479 TextMediaModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_20475 BusinessSocialMediaModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_20482 TextMediaModule moduleLarge

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