Canfield Fair

Canfield Fair

1264 - module_16011 BusinessTitleModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_16012 TextMediaModule moduleLarge
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1264 - module_15998 BusinessMediaModule moduleLarge
The Canfield Fair is the largest county fair in the State of Ohio and the 3rd largest county fair in the United States. The Canfield Fair was established in 1846. The Rooster and tag line “Something to Crow About” have been the trademark of the Fair since 1962.

The Canfield Fair is run and operated by the Mahoning County Agricultural Society and has a Board of 17 Directors. The fairgrounds sits on 353 acres of land and more than 60 buildings, including a grandstand that holds approximately 6,200 people.
1264 - module_16003 BusinessDescriptionModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_16007 LinkModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_16000 BusinessLocationModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_16001 BusinessCategoryModule moduleLarge


Featured , Ticketing , Website
1264 - module_16004 TagModule moduleLarge

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1264 - module_16006 TextMediaModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_16002 BusinessSocialMediaModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_16009 TextMediaModule moduleLarge

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