Carroll County Fair

Carroll County Fair

1264 - module_7533 BusinessTitleModule moduleLarge
Carroll County Fair Ohio
1264 - module_7534 TextMediaModule moduleLarge
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1264 - module_7521 BusinessMediaModule moduleLarge
We are very thankful that we found Saffire. I am not very computer oriented, but I can do what someone teaches me and you did a great job of that.

We love our web site --- Thanks for being a great company...

Tammy Sanderson
Carroll County Fair
1264 - module_7522 TextMediaModule moduleLarge
Established in 1850, the Carroll County Fair opens on the third Tuesday of July, and is #1 in family entertainment! The annual exposition features Jr. Fair livestock shows, tractor pulls, demolition derbies, mechanical rides, great food, horse pulls, live music, and so much more! Admission is $10 daily and includes rides. A $30 membership may be purchased in the Secretary's Office two weeks prior to the fair, and grants the user 6 free admissions to the fair! We hope you enjoy your visit to the Carroll County Fair.
1264 - module_7526 BusinessDescriptionModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_7520 LinkModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_7523 BusinessLocationModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_7524 BusinessCategoryModule moduleLarge


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