Central States Fair & Rodeo
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Central States Fair & Rodeo

1264 - module_7329 BusinessTitleModule moduleLarge
Central States Fair
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“Saffire software allows us to tailor our website to the demands of our consumers. You can organize pages, tabs and forms on how you want it to look without having to be a HTML Expert. It is simple to arrange the information on your website; it is literally a click and drag away. In addition, the folks at Saffire have made it very easy to use templates to help develop other pages you may have never considered but are important for the event industry. The destiny of your website is in your hands not someone else’s.”

Kadee Hande
Central States Fair
1264 - module_7318 TextMediaModule moduleLarge
The Central States Fair, Inc is a non-profit, member-driven organization which manages the Pennington County Fairgrounds and produces Central States Fair and the Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo®. The Central States Fair held annually mid-August allows Rapid City residents and surrounding communities to partake in fair activities including; the carnival, free stage entrainment, along with exhibiting crafts and culinary in the open class competitions, cattle shows and multiple horse events. The Central States Fair also offers nine nights of grandstand entertainment from concerts to the Range Days Rodeo. In addition, the Central States Fair hosts over 255 different rental activities throughout the year.
1264 - module_7322 BusinessDescriptionModule moduleLarge
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Ticketing , Website
1264 - module_7323 TagModule moduleLarge

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1264 - module_7321 BusinessSocialMediaModule moduleLarge
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