1264 - module_7470 BusinessMediaModule moduleLarge
“Partnering with Saffire not only alleviated the pressure by creating a great user-friendly web site to showcase our new event at the East Texas State Fairgrounds, but also gave us a great design to brand our image for our event.”
Heather Pickett
East Texas State Fair
1264 - module_7471 TextMediaModule moduleLarge
The East Texas State Fair is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes through the operation of an annual event promoting education, entertainment and the spirit of competition.
The Fair is committed to agricultural heritage,families and service to the community. Our mission is also to create commerce for Tyler and Smith County by providing venues for others to utilize and by drawing participants to the complex. Since 1992 the East Texas State Fair has offered $413,000 in scholarships.
1264 - module_7475 BusinessDescriptionModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_7469 LinkModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_7472 BusinessLocationModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_7473 BusinessCategoryModule moduleLarge
Logo & Branding
1264 - module_7476 TagModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_7478 TextMediaModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_7474 BusinessSocialMediaModule moduleLarge
2nd Place - Best Website
2017 TAFE Awards - 250k - 500k Attendance
1st Place - Best Website
2016 TAFE Awards - 250k - 500k Attendance
1st Place - Best Mobile Website
2016 TAFE Awards - 250k - 500k Attendance
1264 - module_13674 ImageModule moduleLarge