Lake County Fair - Indiana
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Lake County Fair - Indiana

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The Lake County Agricultural Society was organized at the Court House in Crown Point on August 27, 1851, on which occasion, William Clark was chosen Chairman, and Dr. Harvey Pettibone, Secretary. A committee consisting of Hervey Ball, John Church and David Turner was appointed to draft a constitution and by laws. The following permanent officers were elected: Hervey Ball, President, William Clark, Vice President, J. P. Smith, Secretary and John W. Dinwiddie as Treasurer. Due to a lack of funds, no fair was held in the autumn of 1851.

The first fair was held at the Court House October 28, 1852. Sixty-nine entries were made, and thirty premiums awarded which amounted to $48.00. $10.00 was offered for the Best 10 Acres of Corn and $5.00 was offered for the Second Best. The fair was a success, though on a small scale.

Prizes were given for the following: Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Butter, Cheese, Tomato Catsup, Apples, Squashes, Beets, Turnups, Rutabagas, Radishes and Potatoes. The receipts of the fair were $91.00 and expenditures were $52.25. The balance in the Treasury was $32.75. This was a very credible showing and was very encouraging to all.
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