Louisiana Association of Fairs and Festivals
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Louisiana Association of Fairs and Festivals

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The Louisiana Association of Fairs and Festivals provides a way to improve events by promoting them, by educating event organizers and to encourage the holding of fairs, expositions, festivals, displays and to adopt a program to encourage and demonstrate agricultural, dairy, livestock, industrial, commercial and educational arts, exhibits, displays and to assist and encourage the advancement of the natural resources, material prosperity and progress of the State of Louisiana, its parishes, the fairs, festivals, jubilees and expositions therein.

Membership in LAFF is open to all fairs, festivals and special events in Louisiana. As with any association, there is strength in numbers. These fairs, festivals and special events are a major part of tourism in our state. They enhance the quality of life in a community as well as they create an influx of tourism dollars that be spent at a local level. These events create a special cooperative spirit through the hard work of volunteers and coordinators. In addition to the economic and community benefits, the events are a source of good, wholesome fun!
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