Oregon Wheat Growers League
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Oregon Wheat Growers League

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The League was formed in February of 1926 in the town of Moro. Founding of the League coincided with an economic conference organized by the Oregon Agricultural College (OAC) Extension Service to deal with the effects of a severe crop freeze in 1924. The League was the first commodity organization formed in the United States for wheat, and as such holds a unique position in the annals of agricultural history.

Now, 90 years after Oregon wheat producers first came together to work for the common interest, OWGL remains hard at work promoting wheat interests and providing a means for wheat growers to work together. From advocacy work in Salem to providing key input on federal farm legislation, the voice of Oregon grain producers is being heard through the efforts of their Oregon Wheat Growers League.

The Oregon Wheat Growers League is a not-for-profit Trade Association funded in part by the statutorily mandated $.05/bu. assessment paid by every wheat producer/landlord when their grain is marketed at the first point of sale. This assessment is collected by the Oregon Wheat Commission, a State Agency, located in Portland, Oregon. The balance of the OWGL budget is comprised of voluntary membership dues from producers and business owners throughout the State of Oregon.
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