Online Scavenger Hunt
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Online Scavenger Hunt

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Saffire and Noise New Media have partnered to offer this 2020 IAFE Judges Choice Communications Award Winner to you!

As we all do our best to maneuver through another challenging year, finding new and innovative ways to capture sponsorship revenue from dedicated community partners is so important.

This interactive, online scavenger hunt does just that and it's pre-built to slide right into your Saffire website! In a matter of minutes, it can be installed on your site and your customers will get to go on a fun problem-solving journey while learning more about your event, with eyeballs on your sponsor(s) the entire time! It’s no-brainer for major sponsor engagement, and you even get the ability to customize it with your logo, characters, facilities, rewards and coupons.
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  • Collect data, grow your user database.
  • Generate 12+ mins of parent/child engagement time on your site.
  • Rapidly increase website impressions.
  • Integrate valued sponsors with high visibility, fun and rewards.
  • Promote brand value education in a fun way, straight out of the box.
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What's Included:

  • A plug and play interactive Scavenger Hunt right on YOUR website!
  • $200 of paid social ads to drive even more traffic!
  • Fun, online content for your fans, generating buzz for your event!
  • Customizable content to promote any event!
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Ready to Plug and Play?

Complete the form to let us know you'd like to chat about generating more revenue online with this Scavenger Hunt program. Our team will be in touch soon to discuss options and strategies for engaging with your sponsors to build some raging online success!
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